From the 1st of April the tariff on electricity is to be changed in a completely different pattern of calculation. The government had taken this decision with the intervention of Public Utilities Commission who had brought in the proposal.
The increase are affected for those who consume a lesser amount of units. Accordingly from unit 1 to 30 units the price per unit has increased from Rs 3/- to Rs 5/- while from units 31 to 60 units the increase is from Rs 4/70 to Rs
This is learnt a only a temporary revision. Accordingly those who consume would have to pay a smaller bill than earlier. It is also learnt that from April this change is to become effective. However it is learnt that the 25% and 40% fuel adjustment charge is to be completely removed from the year 2014
It is learnt that the electricity is generated by hydro electric power for 60% to 65%.of electricity. Hence the increase in the prices of fuel is not going to affect the electricity charges. It has been made to know that the CEB proposes to print the charges per unit on the reverse of each bill to make the consumers aware of the new tariffs. If this increases and changes are not made the CEB will be forced to enforce a power cut for 8 hours a day.