Fake medical student caught at Peradeniya

The fake medical student who attended lectures at he peradinia medical College for five months nabbed

After passing the A/L’s examination it is not easy to gain entrance to a Medical faculty. But some think of short cuts. Such a student after attending lectures for five months have nabbed and handed over to the Police having acted as a fake medical student. When his behaviour was found to be a bit suspicious, when inquiries were made he had added that he had come on a transfer from the Colombo medical faculty.
It is learnt that he had attended lectures and had obtained facilities from the medical library as well. He also had possessed a forged identity card. As his behaviour was peculiar on suspicion the medical students had brought to the notice of the Chairman of the Medical students Association. On interrogation he was not found to be a medical student and he had been handed over to the security division of the medical faculty. Through the security personnel he had been handed over to the police. The police had produced to the Kandy Magistrate Ravindra Premaratna yesterday the 19th.he was found to be a resident of Lunuwila area in Chilaw is 28years old. His name is Ligum Mahesh who had been tactfully attending to lectures for the past five months at the Peradeniya Medical faculty.
When he was taken into custody he has had in his possession a stethoscope, fake identity card and medical books worth over Rs 20,000/- was found. When he was questioned as to why he acted in this manner he had confessed that he was very much interested in becoming a medical student and as he failed in his attempt he had tried to become a medical student in this fake manner for him to be satisfied.
The magistrate had released him on a surety bail of Rs one lakh and a fine of Rs 2500/ and had requested him to be present in courts on the 28th of February. The police suspects his story to be correct but they are conducting further investigations.
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