The story of the Member of Parliament Upeksha Swarnamali been hospitalized was reported recently. That was as a result when her husband had attacked her. A second similar experience, she had faced. Where was this?
Her face which was bruised was shown on video and it was on the music video named “Heeneking thani karala”. Pabha had portrayed a character in a music video for a song sung by Iraj which was done as a social service towards the migrant women who have been harassed in the Middle East. Bruises on her face represented those experienced by those innocent women who are harassed in the Middle East. This song aims to educate the Sri Lankan women who go abroad as housemaids to find more precise and vital information before they consent to go for the job.
Pabha states that she has not undertaken any music videos recently but she has especially chosen this song since this song is particularly stands for women. She was attacked by her husband recently and she has made an announcement in the Parliament that she would be standing on behalf of women’s rights.
Listen to Iraj’s “Heeneking thani karala” song and watch the video BELOW:
How Paba speaks about that? watch video
After completion of shooting of the video, the pictures and views of Paba could be seen from BELOW: