Some students who attacked the Principal have been missing from the hospital
Eight students who had been injured from the incident of at the Vidyaloka College at Galle had been hospitalized at Galle Karapitiya Hospital. They have watched news at the hospital while they were under treatment in the in the hospital.
Their actions had been shown on the screen and it had been stated that the necessary disciplinary actions will be taken on them by the Police. Some of the students who had been scared thinking that they will be arrested had made an escape from the hospital on the next morning.
The nurses who have noticed the injured students missing had been reported to the relevant authorities. Hospital spokesperson has reported that 5 out of 8 students have been missing like this. It is considered illegal for a patient to make an escape when they have been registered in the hospital. Therefore, the officials at Karapitiya Hospital had reported this to the police. It had been reported that they have left the houses as well.
Read the previous article and photographs on the protest at Vidyaloka College in Galle: from BELOW