There is a group of 10 Ministers who have been named as SENIOR MINISTERS. What they really contribute to the country is hardly clear to any layman on paper. However does anybody know how much expenditure the Sri Lankan Government spend on them for capital and recurrent expenditure?. It is a colossal sum.
The sum that has been allocated to them in the coming budget 2013 is Rs 4000 lakhs or Rs 40 million. When the budget speech is announced it will be made public about the huge expense the Government has to bear for their maintenance. This is just for the Senior Ministers. A sum of Rs 395425000/ has been allocated for them in the budget. Out of this amount a sum of Rs 344425000 are for Capital expenditure while a sum of Rs 51000000/ are for recurring expenses. There are 10 Senior Ministers with separate portfolios and are given separate Ministerial secretarial offices. Their names and Portfolios are appended below:
Ratnasiri Wickramanayake – Good Governance & Infrastructure Facilities
D E W Gunasekara – Human Resources
Athauda Seneviratne – Rural Affairs
P. Dayaratne – Food & Nutrition
A. H. M. Fowzie – Urban Affairs
S. B. Nawinna – Consumer Welfare
Piyasena Gamage – National Assets
Prof. Tissa Vitharana – Scientific Affairs
Dr. Sarath Amunugama – International Monetary Cooperation
Milroy Fernando - Social welfare