He would like to be the Minister of Education once he returns
Today the identification of the suspects related to the incident that took place at JAIC Hilton hotel in Colombo was held. The Major had been able to identify only one suspect. The Corporal who was said to be present with the Major had not identified anyone. There had been four security guards and Malaka Silva’s driver. Malaka and Rehan had been bailed out already and the other five too were bailed out today. Colombo Criminal Investigation unit has stated that they are going to take legal actions against the Major for the false accusations made against Malaka Silva and Rehan Wijeratne.
The President’s counsel Hemantha Warnakulasooriya appearing for the suspects requested permission for Malaka Silva and Rehan Wijeyratne to go abroad. He stated that Malaka Silva is hoping to go to USA for his higher education. He also had made a satirical comment that Malaka could be the Minister of Education in the future once he finishes his higher education.
The case will be heard on the 26th of November. Due to higher studies, Malaka and Rehan would not be able to come to courts on the next hearing.