It is reported that the Tamilnadu Chief Minister, Jayalalitha had sent the school football team including eight students sent by Sri Lanka which was to be held at Jawaharlal Nehru Indoor Stadium last week. It is also reported that she had suspended the organizer of the match.
This match was to be held on the 31st of August between the Indian Customs Department and Hilburn International School in Ratnapura.
This match had been coordinated by Colombo Royal College and Indian Reserve Bank had sponsored the match. With the invitation from the Royal College, eight players and a coach from Ratnapura Hilburn International School have been sent to India.
Jayalalitha Jayram had got to know about the match later, and she had quickly taken steps to ban the match and to send back Sri Lankan football team home. She had ordered to hold an inquiry about it further.
Making a statement about her actions, she states that she doesn’t want to let anything to with Sri Lanka be held in India due to the injustice faced by the Tamils from the Sinhalese. At the same time, she had made it clear that she would not think twice to take actions against the authorities going against that.