The kandy’s Hanthane hill area had been declared as a conservation and preserved area by an Act passed in Parliament under the Forest conservation Authorities just two years ago. What is shown in pictures is a building constructed defying this Act to be used for the purpose of a ‘guest’ house in this prohibited and the preserved area.
According to reliable reports this Act had been passed in the year 2010. At that time the ‘guest’ house had been under construction. At present the work in on the verge of completion.
It is very surprising that this construction is illegal and it is presumed that for it to be completed the protection, backing and consent of the high Officials of the Government may have helped immensely. It is learnt that this construction has been undertaken by a businessman who is a Russian National.
It is astonishing to note that it is obvious that after the activities of the ‘guest’ house commences the environment is bound to be polluted and it is a pity that no action against this exercise has been initiated by the Forest Conservation department.
Reported by Dinushka Gunatillake