If anyone confesses that those Sri Lankans who participated in the Olympic Games 2012 came empty handed it is a very precise saying.
On the last day after the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games Sri Lanka was able to add a new Olympic record for the Olympic books. The record was established by the Media team who represented the Olympic Games from Sri Lanka. How Amantha Wijesuriya of the National Rupavihini Channel described it at the conclusion of the Olympic Games is as follows:
“The London Olympics 2012 for Sri Lanka the only Channel which gave coverage was the Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation. The team comprised of four Media personnel and for the first time in the history two female Media personnel also attended with the crew. It is not only that but for the first time a Tamil Media personnel also for the first time in the history too participated in the Media crew.
In this context after making a very successful Media telecast and coverage we are returning to Sri Lanka in a short while bidding goodbye to London Olympics 2012.”
View the video below of Amantha Wijesuriya’s speech: