The savings account holder had been remanded for withdrawing the money amounting to Rs one Lakh ten thousand by error:

Usually what are reflected in a savings pass book of any bank customer are deposits, withdrawals made, any interest component or proceeds of a remittance received.
But what would you do if a sum of Rs one lakh and ten thousand is credited to your account erroneously? Are you going to make inquiries from the bank whether it is a mistake?.Or else are you going to withdraw the money and utilize on the sly?
Such an incident had been reported from a youngster’s savings account maintained in a state bank in the Moragollagama area. A youngster had gone to his state bank to withdraw a meagre sum of money from his savings account. After withdrawing the amount when his updated pass book was perused he was shocked to see an additional sum of Rs one lakh and ten thousand had been credited to his account erroneously. He was shocked and could not believe his eyes. He thought it may have been a gift from god as he was contemplating on commencing a brick industry.
He had thought immediately that this may have been a mistake and it is prudent to withdraw this sum and deposit in some other bank to enable him to commence his proposed brick industry. He knew that if the bank comes to know about this sum he is sure to lose it.
Then he just did that by withdrawing the sun of Rs one lakh and ten thousand and deposited that exact amount in another bank and commenced his brick business by investing Rs 60,000/-However after a lapse of three weeks the bank officials had come to his house along with some Police officers. The bank officers had told that this sum had been credited to his account as one person had given the youngsters account number to credit his provident fund money. They wanted that amount credited had been by error be refunded. The youngster told the bank and Police officers that he cannot refund the Rs 60,000/- withdrawn as he had invested it on a brick industry he had commenced.
He was told that if he was unable to refund the entire sum he would be remanded. As he could not accede to this request he was remanded by the Police. Fortunately for him one of his cousin brothers came to his rescue and got the youngster released after paying the deficit of Rs 60,000/- he had already invested on the brick industry. With that amount he had refunded the entire sum of Rs one lakh ten thousand to the bank and got himself released from Police custody.

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