The Magician who conducted several magic shows in schools in the south with fake documents arrested:

We have heard frequently about magicians who had conducted magic shows in schools with the sole intention of earning money. It is very profitable for magicians to conduct magic shows in schools and earn money as it is very easy to sell tickets to school children.
However to seek permission to show magic shows in schools is not easy. The permission has to be obtained from the Divisional Education Office where the school is located.
A magician in the south has is in  the habit of conducting magic shows in the schools in the south very frequently during all the three terms although permission is granted to hold such magic shows only during the schools’ first term only. But this particular magician has conducted his magic shows defying all rules and regulations laid by the Divisional Educational offices located in the south.
When Principals were questioned they had told with the least hesitation that permission was given based on the strength of the permission letters approving to hold the magic shows.
In this regard a complaint was made at the Hakmana Police Station. While a magic show was in progress the Police had raided and questioned the Magician. This Magician was 60 years old who had developed magic skills and was supposed to conduct a magic show with his competency. He has had in his position a letter issued by the Director of education for some other reason some years ago.
He had used the permission letter that was issued some years ago for the magic show to be held only in the first term. But on close scrutiny it was found that he had altered to read the letter as it is valid for all terms of the school. When his residence was searched, the Police had found several letters where he had altered very appropriately and also bogus rubber stamps.
This Magician in question is the father of two children is to be produced before the Matara Magistrate Courts for possessing and using fake documents to conduct magic shows in schools at will regardless of the terms laid by the related Education Office.
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