A Police calls for the Tele drama actress, Samudra Hikkaduwa who is suspected, for running a brothel

Police Anti Corruption Unit in Walana, Panadura had called the Tele drama actress Samudra Hikkaduwa to their office for an inquiry as she has been suspected for running the brothel caught in the Moratuwa area. This brothel had been running the hotel in disguise.
At the moment, the brothel was raided, this actress had not been at home and all her mobile numbers had not worked. However, it is reported that she had been contacted through another number and thus she had been called for inquiries.
When we first reported this incident, she called us (Gossip Lanka) and told us that she is a famous figure and her residence is known to all but the police had not come looking for her or called her regarding this issue.
At the same time, she told us that even though the hotel premises is owned by her, she had leased it out for a hotel and thus she is responsible for what had happened there.
But the Police reports that her house is situated in the same premises next to the hotel and according to the clues, the Police had got, she had been running the brothel.
Police states that she had been trying to make an escape on the day the hotel was raided. Then, with the greatest difficulty they have been able to find one of her numbers and thus she had been called for an inquiry by the Police Anti Corruption Unit in Walana, Panadura.

Read the previous article on “Samudra Hikkaduwa calls Gossip Lanka” from HERE:
Read the previous article on “Moratuwa hotel run by an actress as a brothel raided” from HERE:

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