At a time the Tamils are trying to announce to the world about the war crimes and about the massacres and the inhumane treatments they faced by the cover of war, there is a huge uproar in the West about a book written by a Tamil woman against this point of view. She is writing this using the pseudo name “Niromi De Soysa who had been born into a Tamil Christian middle class family. She had been staying at a Convent in the North of Sri Lanka and she had been taken by the
Ultimately, she had served the LTTE as a woman soldier for 11 years. Then she had made an escape to India and from where she had got refugee visa to Australia after some time.
She is now 42 years of age and she is a mother of two children who now lives at Sidney in Australia. She had written the book, “Tamil Tigress” based on the hardships she had undergone during the first years of her life. She had also revealed that their members who have reported Information to the Ministry of Defense had been considered as traitors and they have been killed after they have been tortured.
She had stated that she had decided to use Niromi De Soysa following the name of one of the famous journalists Richard De Soysa .She had also confessed that she would not like to reveal her real name. She had mentioned that her intention in 1987 was to win a separate state by fighting against Sri Lankan forces but she had understood that it is meaningless and after 11 years in 1989 she had decided to make an escape.
She had also stated that she had written this book based on the experience she gained while she was an active woman soldier of the LTTE. Further she says that the present day LTTE supporters should realize what violence the Tamil tigers had been doing in the past.
‘Tamil Tigress’ book had been published in July 2011 for the first time in Australia and then another edition had been published in America in May 2012. Another edition is to be published in August next year in England. This book which is said to be selling fast had created a tremendous uproar amongst the LTTE supporters as well as among the scholars of Politics.
Watch the video BELOW in which Niromi De Soysa expresses her views on her book “Tamil Tigress”