It is the practice of most people to have their mobile phones in their trouser pockets while attending to their daily activities. What would happen if it catches fire?
An employee of Postal department Ranga Duminda had experienced this nasty and very rare incident which never has had happened to a Sri Lankan before. He had felt the burning affect in his trouser pocket. He had immediately placed his hand into the pocket and had pulled out his mobile phone. During this short period his fingers had been burnt and he had been admitted to the burns unit of the Colombo General Hospital. It is reported that such a burns injury had been reported only for the very first time.
On inspection of his mobile phone it is reported that the fire had come out of the battery of the mobile phone. It is also learnt that such incidents had been reported from several foreign countries. Very recently a fire has broken out from the smart phone card of a foreigner a few months ago.