After Sudarman had been seen walking in a UNFA May day rally which had been shown in a web site ,
a warrant had been issued to arrest Sudarman Radaliyagoda, at the ITN.

There was a warrant issued by courts to arrest Sudarman Radaliygoda for his involvement in issuing a forged letter to release a stock of scrap iron from the Telecommunication stores worth Rupees 15 lakhs. However strangely even after the arrant as issued he had been loitering freely at a number of public places, where it has been proved through displaying his photographs in popular web sites. It is confirmed that he is a staunch supporter of the Government having contested at the last General Election under the UNFA ticket.
Once more a court order had been issued the day before yesterday to arrest him. However as he is highly connected to higher ups in the Government .The Police had been scared perhaps to arrest him. He had been seen even with Police officers and these photographs have been shown in a number of web sites.
Once he was photographed at a Police station where he had without any fear gone to a Police Station to see a friend. Secondly he had been photographed with the Police officers when he had gone to see the murder of the to Buddhist monks at the Kotte Raja Maha Viharaya. There he had been seen speaking to the Police officers in a very friendly manner. The third occasion was that he as attending a Government May Day rally without any fear.
When his case was taken up at the Magistrate courts, Kaduwela Miss Lanka Jayaratnae , Kaduwela Magistrate had inquired from the Police officers from the Mirihana Police Stations whether there are any barriers to arrest him. What was told by the Police officers was that he as not at home when they went to arrest him and at several other places when he was searched.
The plaintiff’s lawyer G.P.Karunaratna told that to arrest Sudarman Radaliyagoda a long time had passed. The frauds Investigation Unit had been informed through the IGP about him seen loitering t public places and photographs in this connection had been shown as proof that the suspect had been seen at various places, without any concern that the suspect had been served with a warrant to arrest him. This had been shown World news web site. The plaintiff’s party is willing to show his whereabouts. It was also said to the Magistrate that the suspect had been seen coming and going out of his work place, the ITN.
The Magistrate then warned that the suspect should be produced before courts without considering his status or his attachment to high officials of the Government. The Magistrate had advised the Police Officers to go to the ITN, arrest him and produce him for the next hearing date, the July 12th.

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