Minister Devananda tells before the court: even the Police were astonished at his decision:
Hope you remember the incident how a suicide bomber entered the Ministry in November in 2007 with the intention of killing the EPDP leader Douglas Devananda.
6 people were killed due to the suicide bombers action and adding to it to it was revealed that a very attractive woman who has been working under the Minister had been among the supporters of the suicide bomber.
Today at when the case was heard at the Colombo courts, Douglas Devananda who was there as a witness had pleaded to pardon the worker who is suspected to be a supporter of this group. What he had told this before the court that had puzzled the courts as to the Police as well.
He had disclosed that:
“This lady is very close me and she works in my Ministry together. Release her from her accusations… I would like to pardon her.”
It is reported that the police and the judge had been surprised to hear the request and the plea made of the Minister.
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