It is now revealed that the mysterious murder of former millionaire businessman in Anamaduwa, Stanley Joseph has been done by Western Provincial Councilor, Thushara Perera.
Stanley Perera was shot by two people who were disguised having acted as two army soldiers on the 10th of December of 2010.
The murderers have made an escape by motor bikes and they have destroyed all the evidence. And what went wrong were the shoes which they have attempted to hide. They have hidden their shoes near a tank in Siyambalanduwa and they have thought of coming later but before that they had been found by the Police. The Police have conducted investigations on the numbers in the shoes and they have revealed that they belonged to the army. Thereafter they have arrested Jayasundara, Asela Kumara, and Thilanka who have been army soldiers.
They were compared with the videos that were found at Stanley Perera’s house. In the investigations they accepted that they are guilty yet they were reluctant to reveal as to who gave the orders.
The investigations were delayed due to elections but yet the investigations started recently from where new information have been revealed.
Stanley who had started his career as a carpenter had later become an owner of a sewing mill. Later on he became a millionaire by exporting “kothala himbutu” to Japan. He was a father of two children and it is reported that 300 workers
Stanley became a headache to Thushara Perera who worked in Japan as he was threatened by Stanley’s business because he faced losses in his business. Thus, it is suspected that Thushara Perera had used murderers to get rid of Stanley. He is a parliamentarian and he has also been an advisor to the President.
After 2 years the soldiers have revealed the name of Thushara Perera due to the influence of the Army officials. The Police who acted immediately have arrested the Provincial Councilor on the 22nd and he has been taken before the courts on the 24th of this month.
Anamaduwa Magistrate Heshantha De Mel had ordered to keep him under custody till the 07th of June when the case is to be heard: