There are no doctors in hospitals today:

T present the Government doctors are paid an additional allowance of Rs 15000/- which constitutes of a disturbance allowance, Attendance and transport allowances. The Government had agreed to increase this sum up to Rs 29000/-This increase had been promised by the Ministry of health in the year 2008.
The Executive committee members of the GMOA (Government Medical Officers Union) had given a dead line of 10 days up to yesterday to accede to the request they had agreed upon. The executive committee members had at a meeting yesterday decided to strike today (the 11th) .as there had been a positive response from the Ministry of Health in regard to the promise they had made.
However the doctors at the Lady Ridgeway hospital, The Castle Street hospital, De Soysa Maternity hospital and the Cancer hospital, Maharagama would be working as normally. The OPD’s also would function to treat casualty patients.
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