The solution given by the government for throwing away milk on roads by diary farmers has not succeeded due to monitory issues
Recently the dairy farmers in the Nuara Eliya District threw away fresh milk on the streets as there was as no proper buyer for fresh cow milk. As an alternative and as a solution the government decided on a project to give a glass of fresh milk to the school children and teachers in schools in the Nuwara Eliya District.
The government invited the dairy farmers to join in this project by promising
From the 14th of May, the project had successfully delivered about 10,000 liters of fresh milk to 523 schools. This has been done as a solution to the dairy farmers who were not able to sell fresh milk to regular buyers. It was very successful when they started it but the monitory issues became a barrier later on.
The dairy farmers have stated that their condition is similar to that of a man struck by a bull after falling off a tree.