After the Kolkata Knight Riders beat the Chennai Super Kings in the final of this year’s IPL final held the day before yesterday, the owner of the Kolkata Night Riders team Shahrukh Khan celebrated on the field in grand style through his ‘stunts’ and dancing in front of the large audience.
Shahruhk Khan was earlier banned for life in entering the Wankade stadium for misbehaving by the President of the BCCI when he has assaulted some spectators having been drunk. Hence Shahrukh Khan was very careful in his behavior. The celebrations of course went on till late night.
This was KKR’s first win in a IPL tournament .Shown below are some pictures of Shahrukh Khan celebrating after the famous victory through his ‘stunts’ and dancing he displayed on the grounds in front of the large audience.
The video below shows how Shahrukh Khan danced during the time victory was celebrated: