Where was Disaster Management?

The Tsunami warning towers erected at high costs were defective:

The Heads of Disaster Management Institutions gone on New Year leave:

When the news via the internet and from the Pacific Tsunami Centre that a Tsunami that had occurred and it would sometimes affect Sri Lanka, the manner the related authorities over here acted was much to be desired with especially in regard to the manner they conducted the situation and inappropriate instant decisions taken is a subject that has drawn a lot of criticism. It was a subject spoken vividly as all Sri Lankans were terribly misled and inconvenienced to unbelievable and unprecedented heights.
The Pacific Tsunami Headquarters via the internet had informed that in Sri Lanka cities in the likes of Jaffna, Devinuwara, Trincomalee and Colombo may be affected and to be prepared in the case of an eventuality. That too they had given the approximate times the Tsunami would strike. Their advice was to watch the waves in the sea and to act accordingly by informing the people.
However in contrast to these instructions the authorities of the Meteorological Department, had acted in an incorrect manner by informing the times. They had interpreted in a different manner.
There wasn’t any precise times informed by the Ministry officials of the Mass Media Officials. The Mass Media Ministry Officials without seeking guidance, assistance and advice from the Authorities of the Meteorological Department personnel should have obtained the precise information from the Pacific Tsunami Centre via the internet to convey the correct information and stand to the people without making them panic.
It was only a couple of weeks ago after spending millions of Rupees, a new Disaster Management Centre with all innovative modern technology with sophisticated equipment was opened at Vidya Road, in Colombo 7.
It is regrettable to inform the general public that with such modern, sophisticated equipment installed the related authorities failed to provide the precise information to the public. This is a subject that needs to be addressed seriously and challenged. It is reliably learnt that during the festive season most officials have gone on leave. It is also learnt from informed sources that some had not been able to reach this newly formed centre as they had even gone abroad for the New Year.
When there was such a sudden commotion in the country, it is very strange that with heaps of Ministers, Junior Ministers and other responsible officers, no one took serious notice of this crisis situation and to unite to solve and console the general public who were made to panic, leave their officers instantly, without public transport like buses and trains.
It was known that the power in the coastal areas was interrupted for three hours and those who had the Tsunami experience were unaware to find information via any TV/radio channel. It is a shame for them to have evaded this situation safeguarding their personal interest only.
The Minister of Fisheries, Rajitha Senaratna had made a big blunder making an incorrect public statement that he had seen the water in the sea in the Kirinda area had gone backwards and it was a sign before the Tsunami waves would strike. This was proved to be an absolute false statement made by a responsible Cabinet Minister as it was disproved totally by the Members of the Coastal area Association where the fishermen folk are also active members.
It has also been revealed from informed reliable sources that many Tsunami towers that were erected were found to be defective.
It was reported that Tsunami towers that were erected to give Tsunami warnings were all defective. In Batticaloa, it is reported that only two Tsunami towers had been in order in giving warnings to people.
It was stated that at 4.00 p.m.Tsunami was to strike Trincomalee. This was revealed by the Department of Meteorological Department via a message through the internet from the Pacific Tsunami Centre .
It is a pity that after millions of Rupees were spent on Tsunami Towers and in the formation of a Disaster Management Centre at Vidya Road, in Colombo 7,the Police had to deploy mega loudspeakers to make people aware of a possible Tsunami.The television stations of ‘Sirasa’ and ‘Derana’ should be applauded for telecasting an uninterrupted service in making the general public aware of the situation that existed. 
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