An unfortunate incident was reported from informed sources in Hinduma on the 06th of April which was incidentally the Bak- full moon Poya day. It was that of a Sambur who had been often visiting the Arannya Senansana had been shrewdly electrocuted and killed.
It was reported very reliably that the Sambur had been killed intentionally for consumption of meat. This Sambur had been often coming and going to the Arannaya and it had been a common sight for many.
It had been killed by a trap which had been set to a tower which provides electricity to the Arannya. Since the villagers have got to know this and since there had been a loud noise heard (tumult) the slaughterers have escaped in fear without taking the meat.
However, it had been reported that this planned slaughter had been manipulated by an idea of the Galle Member of Parliament, Nishantha Muthuhettigama with the clear intention of killing the Sambur for meat.
When the Arannaya Senasana Bikkhus had made a complaint to the Police without leaving it as a incident of serious nature, it was not considered seriously when the Member of Parliament had been questioned. He had told that he heard the news from the media and until that he had been unaware of such an incident.
However it was reported later on that further investigations did not take place due to the fact that a strong political hand was behind the scene perhaps as a politician was involved.