As the statements made by both Paba and her husband to the mediation board are contradicting Paba’s case has been sent to courts for hearing:

Member of Parliament Upeksha Swarnamalee who has had an argument, a personal conflict and a clash after they were returning from their ancestral home at Piliyandala in February 2011. After they had not stopped the argument while driving to their home at Thalapathpitiya, Upeksha’s husband Mahesh Chaminda had dragged her into the house by her legs and assaulted her.
When she could not bear the beating she had gone into the room and locked the door. Her legal husband Chaminda had broken the door of the room and had further assaulted her. As it was a personal  grouse of a  family matter and dispute the bodyguards were helpless. To attend to the injuries she had sustained she had been admitted to the Sri Jayewardenapura Hospital, where she had been admitted to the Neuro Surgical unit.
After initial treatment she had been transferred to the Ceylon hospitals Ltd where she was subjected to plastic surgery.
Then as this was a private dispute between the Husband and his spouse the matter was referred to the Officials of the Mediation board with a view to obtain reconciliation. But it was not possible for them to come to a conclusion of a reunion owing to difference of opinion.
However when the two statements were recorded and placed before the officials of the Mediation board, they could not arrive at giving a verdict as the two statements submitted by the two parties. Husband and wife were very contradictory. Hence the Officials of the Mediation Board had no hesitation in referring the case to the Gangodawila Magistrate courts.
It is now reliably learnt from informed sources that she now lives with her Mother separately. She had confessed that she has no further intention of living with her legal Husband Chaminda anymore. She is adamant to seek a divorce. The verdict of a divorce has not been given by courts yet.
As the evidences given by the Mediation Board is not sufficient to hear the case at the Gangodawila Magistrates courts .it is learnt that this case is to be taken up for hearing during the month of June this year. It is learnt that Paba wants to go for a divorce at any cost.

The letters published in the “gossiplankanews’ web site about Paba are as follows:

1.Paba’s strong horoscope
2.Paba’s councelling
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