He had felt lonely and lazy:
The Member of Parliament for the Galle district Nishantha Muthuhettigama had made a proposal that all those who polled the highest number of preferential votes in each District at the last General Elections be given Ministerial portfolios in the next cabinet reshuffle. This statement he had made only a few days before the proposed tour of the President to Korea.
This proposal he had made it is learnt to have the opportunity to serve the people of the District better having enhanced powers. Although he had not received a favourable reply to his proposal, the President had nominated him also to join the delegates to proceed to Korea to gain experience at meetings. functions, receptions and events in order to gain the necessary exposure in the event he is elevated.
He had accepted the offer and had proceeded to Korea for President’s intended visit and tour in order to observe what really goes on there.
The media who is covering these events, functions and meetings have had a close look at M.P Muthuhettigama, how he reacts at these meetings and events.
It is reliably learnt that he always takes a back seat without speaking a word but had been constantly watching by looking around what the other delegates who accompanied them were doing and it is learnt that appeared to be totally lost and that he seems to be lazy and clueless as to what was happening.
As he is expecting a ministerial portfolio, the other had advised him to watch closely what is happening at seminars, meetings and receptions as they are vital if he is appointed a Minister.