U.S. District Court dismisses case against President Mahinda Rajapaksa:
A U.S. Federal District Judge Colleen Collar Kotelly has dismissed the lawsuit filed against our President Mahinda Rajapaksa was first informed by the State Sri Lankan Embassy in Washington via a press release and then through the AFP newspapers. This case had been filed by two parties one a resident of London and the other an American citizen.
The former case was filed by the father of a graduate Rajir Manoharan’s father who had died in a shooting incident in November 2006.The plaintiff, the father of the deceased in a resident in London. In addition another Plaintiff a resident of America has filed a District court case against the death of her husband Pemasi Ananda during the ethnic war in the year 2009.A speciality in this case is that no such cases had been filed by any others in respect of many others who were killed.
Sri Lanka has vehemently denied violating human rights la during the lengthy ethnic conflict against terrorism. On these grounds the President Mahinda Rajapaksa lawsuit had been dismissed, as the sitting Head of State, Sri Lankan Embassy in Washington stated in a press release.
The court noted that Head of State immunity is a well recognised legal principle in the U.S. The State Department had entered into a motion asking the case be dismissed because of the immunity precedent.
The case was brought up by Bruce Fein an attorney who had been occupied closely with the pro LTTE Diaspora in the United States.