Dharmapala student dies during boxing practices.

He has gone for practices without the permission of his parents

One of the senior soldiers has beaten him up even when he had tried to protest by raising both hands

The death of one of the students of Pannipitiya Dharmapala Vidyalaya during boxing practices has become a suspicious death.
This incident has taken place on last Sunday the 5th. Buddhika Indeera who is 18 years old has left the house in the morning saying that he is going for tuition classes.  Instead, he has gone for boxing practices at the school. The boxing coach at Dharmapala Vidyalaya is Lakshman Jayasuriya who has served in the army as a Major. It is said that he used to bring army soldiers for boxing practices at the school.
On the day of this incident, he has brought 4 boxing players at the army to fight with 4 school boys. Buddhika and the other three students have been chosen to represent the school for the under 19, Inter-School boxing competition. During this practice, a soldier had struck a blow on Buddhika and he has fallen to the ground. Due to injuries, he has been admitted to the Homagama Hospital and since his condition has got worse he has been transferred to the Colombo General hospital around 11a.m
Buddhika Indeewara who has been under treatments in the Intensive Care Unit for about 5 days passed away yesterday (10th) around 3a.m. Doctors have said there has been internal bleeding due to three or four bruises on the head. Even though they have tried to clean the blood from the brain in order to save his life, their attempt has failed.
The coach and the soldier, who are responsible for this act, have been arrested by Kottawa police and they have been produced before the courts and they have been released on bail.
Buddhika Indeewara has been not only a clever A/L student but also a clever Wushu player who has win medals for his talents. He has joined the school boxing team last year and his family has not known whether he plays boxing or Wushu. On the day of this incident too he has lied to his family saying that he is going for a tuition class. This reveals that he has been playing boxing without the permission of his parents. Buddhika’s mother had said that he has been attacked under a tree in the school ground and that there are eye witnesses.
“One of the mothers has seen that a boy who is elder to him has gone on beating Buddhika’s head. He has continued it even when my son has raised his hands crying out loud asking him to stop. After that the child had fallen unconscious. Even after that they have kept him for hours and finally they have sent him to the hospital by a van. That mother told me to go to courts saying that she could be a witness.”
In the post mortem, the coach has not told that this blow was given by an army soldier.
The coach has told that he has used 4 external students considering their weight and the age to suit the 4 school boys. 
Police is conducting further investigation on this case and even the Ministry of Education has called for a report to find out further details of this incident.
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