Gillian Anderson had purchased this property to commence a NGO

X Files-Actresses files have been found:

The main actress of X Files chain of Tele- films, properties at Pasyala had been misappropriated by a trusted person appointed to administer the properties. A case was file by the CID after investigations. The Manager, an ex Army captain now disabled by name Anura Rathna Bandara was produced before courts and was ordered to be further remanded. This case was published in our web site a few days ago.
How could a foreigner possess so much of assets in Sri Lanka was the question that many wanted to know. The answer to this question was revealed when the case was called up for hearing in courts yesterday. The third party from the Gillian Anderson faction who represented her revealed about the property 7 acres in extent in Pasyala. 
This property had been purchased by Gillian Anderson, the famous Hollywood actress in the name of ‘Hill house private ‘company. Her husband is Mark Griffith who is a person who runs a number of Non Government Organisations. This large property had been purchased to commence a new NGO. This was disclosed by the party who represented the Actresses faction.

Gillian Anderson had appointed a reliable disabled Army Captain to administer the property until the buildings were erected. Unfortunately the reliable Army Captain had sold parts of the property by shrewdly forging the deeds and misappropriated the funds obtained. It was really shocking and sad what this ex Army officer who was appointed as a trusted person to administer to property quipped the actresses faction. At the end of the hearing the Manager had said that he done his utmost to maintain and upkeep the property. He requested to be bailed out as his wife is on the verge of expecting a baby. Hence he needs to be with her for conducting medical investigations. However his request was refused as the amount misappropriated amounted to a massive Rs 6.8 m. The Magistrate ordered him to be further remanded.

The previous letter published in our web site re the X Files main actresses’ Gillian Anderson misappropriation of funds by forging deeds of the property could be read from HERE:
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