Had misled the Producer selling the names of Keheliya and Namal-Accusations by the Producer:
A case was taken up for hearing at the Magistrate courts in Nugegoda yesterday. The Director of a Tele –drama that was under production had broken the agreement he had signed with the Producer. The defendant in this case was Senaka Wijesinghe ,the Director of this Tele-drama.
It is learnt reliably that he had obtained a sum of Rupees Thirteen Lahks forty Thousand as his professional charges. The case had been filed as he had not lived up to his promise according to the agreement. After the case was heard he had been bailed out on personal surety amounting to Rs 15 lakhs as ordered by the Nugegoda Magistrate and Additional District Judge Gihan Ranawaka.
It is reported that after the money was received the ‘Mahurat’ ceremony also had taken place and some of shooting scenes too had been completed.
The Director, Senaka Wijesinghe had pacified the producer that he is well known to Keheliya and Namal and hence, telecasting problems after completion of the Tele-drama would not happen. The Producer was convinced and he had without any reluctance had given the money.
The Producer is one Lasith Gunasena an accountant by profession is a resident of the United Kingdom. The theme he had selected for the script is the manner how Sri Lankans live in UK under trying and difficult conditions. It is expressed that they dwell in highly uncongenial conditions like what we refer in Sri Lanka as ‘Koreas/Muddukkus’.
The Producer had arose suspicion about the promise the Director gave him that there will not be any difficulty in telecasting at prime time’s etc. When questioned he was evading to answer and was absconding.
The main ambition of Lasith Gunasena was to produce a good a Tele-drama in Sri Lanka and return to UK. All his hopes were shattered by the Director Senaka Wijesinghe who had misled him. His only alternative to institute legal action as he suspected the facts that were told by the Director. He was released on personal surety bail amounting to Rs 15 Lakhs and the case is to heard on the 17th of February. In a letter that was written purely to seek redress in this regard elaborated vividly had sent to M.P. Namal Rajapaksa could be read from below: