Bottles of Whisky and Brandy for women prisoners New Year party thrown over the walls close to the women’s section:

To celebrate the New Year 2012, in the Women’s section of the Welikada prison there had been a party organised with Whisky and Brandy. These bottles wrapped with clothes which were thrown over the walls close to the Women’s section had been captured by some prison guards, it is reliably reported.
In order to celebrate the New Year 2012, a party had been organised by both Men and Women Prisoners. In this regard an investigation is been carried out by the Prison Rehabilitation unit as well the Ministry of Prison Reform Commission.
For this exercise it is learnt that it is suspected that the cooperation and support of the Prison guards had been rendered. It has been proved that these bottles have been thrown into the Women’s section of the Prison by those who are well known for dealing with drugs and illicit liquor, living along Seevali Lane adjoining the prison. This exercise had been planned and the support of prison guards too may have rendered for this exercise.
This area adjoining the prison is well known to deal with drugs and illicit liquor and they make a good income from this business which is also well known to the Authorities of the prison.
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