In future weather forecasts would be released to the electronic media only on request:

“In few places there would be few showers accompanied by thunder…..”Are the common words that are heard via our media by the authorities in the Meteorological department, personnel which hitherto has not been accurate at all, more often than not?
These predictions had been in complete in contrast to predictions and forecasts made the same authorities of other countries who always give precise forecasts and predictions. In our country the predictions made by our meteorological authorities are considered correct only by a hand full.
The most dramatic and drastic prediction was not made correctly only very recently which caused enormous damage to public and private property in the South and in claiming the valuable lives of many innocent citizens, particularly the fishermen folk.  For not predicting the forecast of the ‘Tornado’ type situation with gale, windy and rain situation. The innocent people were highly effected losing many lives and also damage to properties amounting to millions of rupees.
In complete contrast the authorities of the counties of the same institutions predict such situations very quickly and sound warnings well in advance for people to take precautionary measures. Our closest and neighboring country India. In Chennai, in the Tamil Nadu State the related authorities had made precise forecasts about this gale, windy and rainy situation which has prevented any loses to lives particularly to the fishermen. This was however a grave and a puzzling situation to our authorities as a lot of blame were had to be shouldered.
The Director of the Meteorological Department when questioned had given a very lame answer. According to him he says our equipment are now outdated and we need modern equipment to predict precise forecasts. He too emphasized that the department need more experienced staff to give accurate readings and forecasts.
In the face of this embarrassment he has made a request to obtain any weather forecast when needed by calling the department.
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