Minister Dinesh says there was no such physician for the President:
There was a time in the recent past when Dr Eliyantha White had a tremendous reputation, as President’s physician. It was made public in the media. This was only for a certain period of time. He had not only cured sportsmen from Sri Lanka but also from those from other countries. It was made to understand that he possessed some super natural powers in healing patients.
After so many sportsmen were found having used banned drugs for enhancing performances and proved guilty and were even dethroned of the medals won. His name suddenly was not heard in the media.
M.P. Dayasiri Jaysekera questioned in Parliament about the Physician Dr Eliyantha White who the President’s physician.Minister Dinesh Gunawardena denied the
The debate between the two is as follows:
Minister Dinesh: There was no one appointed as President’s physician. Hence his fees and money spent on travelling does not imply.
M.P.Dayasiri: Although it is not applicable there is a question? Dr Eliyantha White had even treated Sachin Tendulkar. He said he has photographs in his possession and a file to prove it as he was President’s physician. But you’ll deny. This was also told about the senior observing Ministers. Our M.P Grero was also made an observing Minister. I have in my possession a file full of letters,reports and photographs to prove.
Minister Dinesh: You may have in your possession files. The President as the leader of the country poses with so many for photographs. If he helps a person he even preys for him.
M.P. Dayasiri: In my file it contains what President had said about Dr Eliyantha White.
Minister Dinesh: White or Black is your question.
Speaker: Enough..... Enough....The answers are sufficient. The President has about 1000 Doctors.
See the video shown below:
The manner Gambhir and Nehra were treated