The manner Ranjan presented himself and promising to marry his Kandy girl friend after receiving Rs 1 Million has caused a terrible uproar to Namal Wijeratne who had failed to establish her correct identity by this name.
It is a pity that she could not prove her own correct name. This teacher who was refused bail earlier as once again refused bail and was ordered to be remanded further when the case was taken up at the Kandy Magistrate’s courts the day before yesterday. During the proceedings she could not produce evidence to prove that she was Namal Wijeratna.
According to documents furnished she was born in the year 1956 and was registered as Udyangani Dayani Ashokamala. She also possessed another birth certificate registered in the year 1958 in the name of Ashokamala Udyangani. She also had a Birth Certificate registered in the year 1968 under the name of Namal Wijeratna.She was arrested earlier by the Kandy Police crime branch and produced to the Magistrate, Kandy on his orders.
She has obtained her teaching appointment with her fictitious Birth Certificate of 1968..Accordingly her age is only 43 years. However it had revealed that her real age is 54 years and should retire next year on reaching her 55th birthday.
It is reported that after having worked for 22 years with fictitious birth certificates, she should be ordered to pay compensation to the Government as she had earned salaries beyond her retirement age. She is also proved guilty of producing GCE Advanced level certificates though which She had obtained her teaching appointment. This had been proved beyond doubt by the CID branch of Kandy Police.
It has also revealed that she with her fictitious documents she had obtained her passport from the Department of Immigration and Emigration and also through bank’s had obtained credit card facilities which are now proved not valid.
It is learnt that according to the forged documents produced that her case against Ranjan Ramanayake for taking Rs 1 million and Ranjan’s case for suing her for Rs 500 million for defamation of character are both at stake.