When the Parliamentary proceedings were on, yesterday M.P. Dayasiri Jayasekara had read out a list of violent and unlawful acts the Governments supporters had made violating election laws particularly of such acts made in the Mulleriyawa area by criminals. He informed the shooting a large cut of President Mahinda Rajapaksa and as proof had brought a photograph of it with the hole in it highlighted with a pen sketch.
He was yelling in a loud tone for everyone to hear and see the photograph. Minister Azwer who was the acting speaker in the chair said it is against the Parliament laws to comment about the President within the Parliament. He also pointed out that the hole in the photograph had been made larger with the help of a pen and had requested Dayasiri Jayasekera to stop telling about the incident. His mike was also made mute. Still he was shouting without the mike not giving the opportunity for others to speak.
It became difficult to continue the proceedings in the house. In the mean time Azwer as the speaker turned into some pages of the Secretary General’s book of laws in Parliament pointing out to act 74.1 for disturbing the house M.P.Dayasiri jayasekera was asked to be expelled from the Parliament. With so much noise simultaneously the sessions had to be abandoned.
The video of the incident could be seen below.
(This video tape was supplied by the Parliamentary authorities is sans the section where Dayasiri was talking about the President)