Doctor was killed for refusing to accept sub standard laboratory reports from a neighbouring medical laboratory in Karandeniya.

The Police have been able to unearth the root of the facts about the shooting and killing the popular Doctor Priyanka Prasad Jayasinghe about a month ago. This Doctor was running his own private dispensary called “Suwasiri”in ‘Thalgashandiya’, Karandeniya. He worked in the Karandeniya hospital and did his private practice at this dispensary after his duty hours. He worked till late every day as he has many patients and on that particular day he was shot by an unidentified gunman who had come on a motor cycle, when he was about to get into the car on one late evening after treating patients.

He had been shot by a pistol 9 times and had succumbed to his injuries at the spot. It is reliably that learnt that he is a native of Karandeniya. He loved to treat poor patients of his area free of charge. From this exercise he derived a tremendous pleasure. As a result his patient clientele was very high and hence he had to work long hours in treating them. He was 40 years old and was still a bachelor had studied at Ananda College and his intention was after passing out as doctor to come to his native Karandeniya area to serve the people of Karandeniya. Apart from his parents his family consisted of two younger brothers. His tragic death shook the whole of Karandeniya and it is learnt that there never had been such a large number of mourners that turned up to pay their last respects at any funeral house in the history of Karandeniya.
Three Police groups were deployed to get to the root cause of the killing and to apprehend the suspects. It was learnt that the only enemy he had was the owner of a private medical laboratory in the vicinity. The Doctor had refused to accept blood and urine reports submitted by patients obtained from this laboratory as they were sub standard and could not be accepted as correct. Hence the business of this laboratory was running at a loss.

The Police had revealed that he has had threats to his life from the owner of the medical laboratory. Once they had thrown black oil on to his car. But the Doctor was not scared and carried out his practice.The uneducated son of the owner of the medical laboratory has phoned the Doctor one day and had asked ‘why are you refusing our reports.’ The Doctor had said if they up to the standards only that he will accept them. This uneducated son had thought that the only alternative and the solution were to kill the Doctor.

Another investigation by a group of Police officers had revealed that a contract had been given by the son of the owner of the medical laboratory to a friend, an Army Captain attached to the Machinery Infantry Regiment. The Captain in turn had deployed the services of two soldiers for the murder. The root cause  of  the  unfortunate incident and the murderer have all been found and all of them have been arrested and are to be produced before courts.

This unfortunate incident of the killing of the Doctor had happened as he was serving his patients free of charge, without the intention of earning money by enemies who were eager to earn money by issuing fictitious laboratory reports.
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