The Head of the Sri Lanka’s Sports Medicine Unit Dr Geethanjan Mendis had officially visited several places island wide to examine and report to the Headquarters of the World’s Guinness Institution located in London. In contrary it is now learnt that so many skilled and ambitious sports men and skilled personnel in various events after hard work and perseverance had been left in the lurch after so much of hard
It has now been confirmed that the Head of Sports Medicine had disappointed so many without adhering to the correct procedure in reporting such attempts made by many to be included in the Guinness book of world records. Due to his ignorance he had shattered hopes of many who had made so much effort and spent money on training etc.
The Minister of Sports has dismissed from his prestigious post with effect from 29th September 2011.He had dominated in his capacity as the Head of Sports Medicine Unit of the Ministry of Sports for nearly 20 years. He also has held the post of the Head of banned drugs Unit for sports in Sri Lanka, affiliated to the Guinness Institution, Sri Lanka panel. He had on several occasions failed in his duty to fight and safeguard our sportsmen and cricketers against alleged banning when they had been proved positive for drugs. It is the view of many that with his affiliations to the Guinness committee his contribution towards our accused was more or less negligible.
The Institution of the Guinness is based in London in U.K. A representative from this Institution has to be registered in Sri Lanka, who has to co-ordinate our activities, which had not been done hitherto. This had come to light when Wasantha Soysa from Anuradhapura who had established several Guinness records had revealed that none of his records were entered as records in the Guinness book.Then he had made inquiries from the Institution of Guinness records office in London, they have denied the fact no representative from the Institution had been registered in Sri Lanka. The name of the Head of Sports Medicine in Sri Lanka had not been even heard of.
If any individual needs to attempt to break a Guinness record it has to be made via the web site. Wasantha Soysa has however gone through this procedure and got his name etched in the Guinness book of world records. If this procedure was made by Dr Geethanjana Mendis several skilled personnel in various fields had succeeded to break world records and would have got the opportunity to have their names etched in the Guinness Book.
It is very strange and surprising that officials of the Ministry of Sports were not aware of these procedures.