A very popular musician of the present day,Iraj Weeraratne last weekend had an interview on the programme “Auto Weekend” over a local Television Channel.
During this interview he disclosed that he owns three luxury vehicles, namely a Prado jeep, BMW and a Mercedese Benz Super, vehicles. During this programme what Iraj added were as follows:
“For Sri Lanka jeeps are the most suitable as they are providing the much needed resistance. I was using a Jeep from the inception. Earlier I used a ‘Montero’ Jeep. After that I changed it to a ‘Prado’. I like the colour black. My
I drive very slowly....I have not met with serious accidents. I only had a minor mishap when trying to cross a tsunami bridge, when my vehicle slipped.”
“Since I am in the music field, I need a good music system inside the vehicles.
If I am driving fast there is a device to make me aware that my speed is fast. My dream vehicle is ‘Lamborgini’, but it cannot be used in Sri Lanka.”
The Interview of Iraj in this regard is shown below in the video: