Daily telephone calls by an anonymous caller using ‘filthy’ words

The Director General of the Meteorological Department has been receiving anonymous telephone calls to his mobile phone using filthy language by a caller for the past few months.
1st day:
 ‘Hello Director General’,
’ yes speaking’.
 ‘Why are you saying it is raining, there is bright sunshine’.
’no it happens this way’.
’ why you devil, you are not telling the truth everyday’.
2nd day:
‘Ado you again said lies today, it rained’.
‘Who is speaking’?
‘..............filth....Are you paid a salary for saying lies to the people and misleading them’.
‘..............filth....Why are you saying lies to the people, don’t you feel ashamed’.
These calls were continuously made and never stopped. To find the ‘caller’, the Director General had made a lot of efforts, but they were of no avail. When he contacted the ‘Airtel’ company, the related authorities of the Mobile Company had wanted a ‘court order’ to furnish the information.
Subsequently a complaint in this regard was made to the Cinnamon Gardens Police station by the Director General of the Meteorological department that an anonymous caller had been calling him constantly and scolding him in filthy language and had also threatened him.
A court order had been issued yesterday by the Colombo Magistrate courts to identify and apprehend the anonymous caller.
The anonymous caller who had complained to the Director General of the Meteorological department has not yet been identified. The Police are conducting investigations in this regard.
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