There is no Army Training There- SB

Training in the army is to enhance and instill good habits and learn to be disciplined

A subject that is most spoken about very widely today in the whole country is about the training in the Army for the new entrants to the university, a concept of the Higher education Minister S.B.Dissanayake. A few facts what Minister S.B had aired about his views, explained and argued at an interview with a Sunday newspaper journalist are appended below:
Why is such training given? The answer that was given, that this exercise was the suggestion of an eminent psychiatrist. This course of training is to give confidence, uplift the morals of the new entrants who are selected to enter the universities to have no fear or intense tension when they enter the respective universities.

During this period of training are you taking full responsibility in regard to their security?. High officials of the Army, Lecturers, and Government Educational Personnel will co-ordinate and monitor the training courses. There will be Wardens in charge of hostels to look after the welfare of the students. Although male and female undergraduates may be following the same study courses they will be in accommodated in separate hostels. There is absolutely no question about their security?
The question was raised as to whether this was a forces training?
It was said that this is not at all a forces training. If it is a forces training it has to be done with arms. This is definitely not like that. What we train is to teach various etiquettes, leadership qualities and physical training exercises. This if needed could be given a number of times until they become conversant with the training.
The question was asked as to why this training is given within forces cantonments? This is because to give training to around 20,000 in house training there is no other alternate place and also as the security is guaranteed.
 What is the estimated expenditure for the proposed exercise? The answer was it would be around Rs 20 million.
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