Hashan confesses about match fixing

Hashan a member of the Western Province Provincial Council was summoned to the CID for questioning as he had confessed that he could prove allegations of match fixing.

Details of matches that were fixed are as follows:-Hashan Tillakeratne
 A former skipper of our national Team and a Member of Western Province Provincial Council Hashan Tillakeratne who had officially announced to our and foreign media about fixing of matches for money has caused great concern to our cricketing fraternity. This was disclosed at a Western Province, Provincial Council meeting.
As Hashan had said earlier that he would be disclosing the facts to the public and the media, the Sports Minister,Mahindananda Aluthgamage to find out exact details has requested our CID to question him on this matter as Hashan was hiding the true facts. What Hashan disclosed to the CID is appended in detail below:
A statement that was made to a Popular TV channel,Sirasa TV on the 11th April  in the ‘INSIDE SPORTS’ according to Hashan he grabbed the opportunity while being a participant in this programme to elaborate further about the statement he made regarding ‘FIXING MATCHES’ for money. He answered to all questions posed to him to the best of his knowledge and to his conscience. When asked whether matches were fixed or not. His answer was that matches were fixed for money from the year 1992.He is confirming this as many foreign players were talking about this topic with interest. He had made this allegation then and now too. He had made this statement not for any political gain and not to place any person in an embarrassing position.
He quipped that his prime intention was to protect our good vision on cricket which he loves and to benefit our nation as cricket has made our country famous .It is his fervent hope all will agree with me. The lovely game of cricket has changed drastically from the time he played for the country.
The new shortest version, the T/20 cricket has made this situation worse. With the advent of the shortest version the fixing of matches today is termed ‘Sports fixing ‘has also become common. This feature is seen from the time the team is selected and during the run of play. The fixing of matches for money was seen as a constant occurrence. There are enough and more evidence to prove them. When this matter is carefully scrutinized even those not directly involved in the game could play a vital role in match fixing scandal .Hence there should be transparency and should have a formidable and rigid administration structure devoid of politics.
When any team is selected whether 1st class premier league or Test, the cricketing structure should be taken into serious consideration
Hashan had made a series of allegations. He confessed that several points on several areas need to be clarified and addressed to the common cricketing fraternity.
A day before the 15 man squad for the World cup was selected the IPL franchise cricketers were selected. It was selected before the commencement of our main Inter Provincial Premier league tournament. The media informed that several selected had bribed the selectors. For such allegations why were they retained? The owners of Bookies have kept their relations in high positions. Some without any educational qualifications were appointed to responsible posts drawing huge salaries. Likewise several other allegations were made without mentioning names. The names with more details would be made public after receiving legal advice he quipped. The Australian coach after his contract was over had said that Politics should not interfere with cricket. This was a head line in the Daily Mirror paper.
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