Husband suspected for the triple murder
Yesterday morning in the deaf and blind junction area, inside a room in a two storeyed house an attractive lady and her two infant sons were found dead in their bedroom with burn injuries.
It was published in our web site in the morning that these deaths may have been homicide or owing to burns. According to latest reports after investigations the Police had revealed that it had been murder done by the husband. But earlier it was it was learnt that the deaths were owing to burns, which has been proved to be a fabricated story.
It is learnt that the husband had killed all by strangulation and had set fire to the mattress keeping the dead bodies on it.When interrogated if had been confirmed that this exercise had been carried out with the help of the house maid.
In the room the Police had found a candle and a box of matches. During
It was earlier suspected that the husband may have committed the murders as he had slept in another room. The reason he had given when questioned had told as he would be disturbing the elder son from sleeping soundly he had shifted to another room for their convenience.
According to the Judiciary Medical Officer the burning of the bodies had been done after they were strangulated. The husband had been an Executive Officer attached to a garment factory and had left his job about two weeks back. He had confesses to the Police when questioned that the second child who was born one month back is not his. His wife had be having an illicit love relationship with another person. He had also confesses that he had killed all three through strangulation and had kept the bodies on the mattress and set fire to prevent been suspected, that they were killed through other means.
As the room was air-conditioned the smoke had not gone out of the room for anybody to notice until morning. Also no noise had been heard from anyone from outside. There had been 15 boarders in other rooms in addition to the suspects Mother. The deceased lady is 31 years old, Sachethana Sandamali Silva a teacher attached to Princess of Wales National School in Moratuwa, while the elder son just three years old is Prabash Banuka while the one month old infant son is Krishantha Sandaruwan.
The Father of the kids and the house maid has been taken into custody. They are to be produced before courts shortly.