Sunil Shantha alias Ruwanwelle Sobitha who was in the business of misleading young girls by charming and by promising to secure jobs and for raping them was sentenced to 20 jail sentence, last morning (2nd) by the kegalle Magistrate.
This verdict was given when this case which was taken up in the month of September was called again for hearing. The incident had taken place about seven years back and it was filed by the victim.
Last month the same Ruwanwelle Sobitha was sentenced to jail for another rape case which too had occurred seven years ago. In this case he had promised a girl a job and had raped her inside his own premises by giving accommodation by frightening her. The plaintiff had confirmed that her own uncle and aunt had helped Ruwanwelle Sobitha in this rape incident.
At the kegalle Magistrate courts the plaintiff had given her evidence in this manner.
“This incident had occurred in the month of July in the year 2005.At that time after a confrontation with my husband I had separated from him. During that period the then Thera had been very popular as was able to find jobs for many. My uncle and aunty after finding all finer details took me to his office in Ruwanwella in search of a job for me. When we arrived at his office building we found several others too had come in search of him for the same reason. A manager appointed by the then Thera scrutinised all my documents. After we met the then Thera. As it was late in the evening and there was no public transport for us to get back. There wasn’t even a three wheeler in that area. It was suggested by the then Thera that he could give three of us accommodation to put up in his building which had excess rooms.
My Uncle and Aunty had given the consent and after having been given dinner we were offered two rooms. One was for my Uncle and the other was for me and my Aunty. No sooner we retired to our respective rooms my Aunty slowly slipped away. I saw the then Thera standing near the entrance to the room. He immediately crept into the room. It immediately struck me that this was a pre planned exercise. The then Thera warned me not to shout and create a scene having a black object in his hand. He frightened me and told there is nothing that I cannot do. I have got all types gadgets and weapons and that he is prepared for anything.
He undressed me forcibly while I tried to get rid of him. But he overpowered me and raped me while I sustained some cuts and bruises on my body. Then he went to sleep while I sat on a chair the whole night and was crying and could not sleep at all. Early morning he got up and went out of the room .i soon followed. In front of my Uncle and Aunt he told them that I could be given a job. I told that do not need jobs in this manner and went to the closest hospital to take treatment after relating the story to the doctor. I was given a medical report which had mentioned that the bruises and small cuts on my body may have been caused while someone was trying to rape me.”
On the day the case was heard the then Thera who is now a civilian also attended the hearing. After the victim had related the story, the then Thera who is now a layman by the name Sunil Shantha told the Magistrate that this only a fabricated story. However after the girl’s evidence and having seen the doctor’s medical report the Magistrate ordered him to be sentenced to 20 years jail sentence? The girl’s Uncle and Aunty were also questioned.
*The manner Ruwanwelle Sobitha tried to net a girl over a telephone conversation had been taken in to a video which could be heard from HERE:
*How the Swarnavahini television channel advertises his work after he was caught shown in the Live @ 8 news bulletin could be seen from BELOW: