Thailand ranked 8th in terms of a country with the best public health service system in the year 2021 – according to Numbeo Survey. This is the result of the primary care foundation in the system plus the success of its universal health coverage project in light of the spread of university hospitals in major cities, and health centers in all provinces according to international standards. Thapana Boonyapravitr - President of Thai Association for Town Planning and Secretary of Thailand Charter, revealed that Thailand will highlight the strength to be the world’s medical and wellness hub, while an income increase is likely to be reflected in the nationally spread traditional medicine experts and herbal growers. However, Dr.Prateep Thanakijcharoen, Secretary-General of National Health Commission Office, stressed that this development should not negatively affect the access of Thai citizens to services, or increase the gap between social classes in accessing health services. For his part, Puwanat Yokchawee, Managing Director of B-Healthy Asia Co., Ltd. & of Health Charter Committee member drew attention to the emergence of a new form of tourism, which is medical tourism.
Source-A24 News