A 53-year-old famous stage and teledrama actress who has a daughter and two sons have been involved in a riot in Panadura, reports say.
It is said that the actress' daughter is running a salon in the Gorakana area in Panadura, and the actress and her husband and two sons are living in the house next door.
The actress was said to have been having an affair with another married man for some time. The family of the said man had also heard about the incident, and from time to time, the actress had received calls urging her to end the relationship. The association, however, was said to have remained unchanged.
The tele-actress often spends time in her daughter's beauty salon.
Following a conversation, the man's family members had come to the beauty parlour in Gorakana, Panadura, at around 7.30 last night and threatened her.
They beating her and cutting off part of her long hair.
The three women, aged 41, 17 and 30, are Egoda Uyana, Moratuwa and are said to be the wife, daughter and niece of the man. The three broke into the beauty salon.
He hit her first and used two scissors to cut her long hair about afoot
According to the complaint made by the actress, a number had been cut off and fled.
Three women attacked the actress, and her legal husband and two sons also ran away while cutting their hair. The artist has been rescued.
The actress had only a foot of hair cut yesterday (14) afternoon, two scissors.
And she had come to the police with the torn dress she was wearing at that time and had complained.
The police also issued a forensic medical form to her as the complaint stated that she needed to be hospitalized.
The suspects were aged 40, 30 and 17 and residents of Egoda Uyana, Moratuwa
Police say they are teenagers. The suspects are the Panadura Magistrate Acting Magistrate
After being produced before the authority, they have released on Rs. 100,000 bails each and ordered to be placed under house arrest for 14 days.