Story that Roshan Ranasingha's wife told that she would keep her neck to Mahinda's vehicle if Mahinda goes to meet Maithri!

Story that Roshan Ranasingha's wife told that she would keep her neck to Mahinda's vehicle if Mahinda goes to meet Maithri!

Story that Roshan Ranasingha's wife told that she would keep her neck to Mahinda's vehicle if Mahinda goes to meet Maithri!

It is an anger which is second to none that exists between Roshan Ranasingha of Pohottuwa and former president Maithripala Sirisena within the heat of the general election of Polonnaruwa. Roshan aimed various criticisms sometime back about the person who partook of hoppers becoming a contestant of the newly-formed party. A piece of news is circulating that if prime minister Mr. Mahinda Rajapaksa goes to former president Mr. Maithripala Sirisena's Polonnaruwa office, he
would keep his neck to the prime minister's vehicle and end his life. 

Sometime back, this situation has cropped up, it is understood on the occasion when when according to an invitation of former president Mr. Maithripala Sirisena after a function held in Polonnaruwa presided by the prime minister, the PM has tried to step into his office, it is learned. For this reason, Mr. Mahinda Rajapaksa has instead of stepping into Mr. Maithripala Sirisena's office, he has set off to Colombo saying that he has has some urgent matter. 

The said function was organised by Mr. Roshan Ranasingha and on the occasion when the prime minister came to Polonnaruwa district, the former president had invited Mr. Mahinda Rajapaksa to step into his office too. 
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