Person infected with corona ... a person from Colombo;
members of family will be quarantined

Person infected with corona ... a person from Colombo;
Director of the health ministry, Dr. Anil Jasingha mentioned further information about the first Sri Lankan reported to be affected by the corona virus as revealed this morning. As it is necessary to protect privacy of this person, Dr. Jasingha took steps to expose only limited information and said that the patient is a resident of Colombo district. By now, a programme whereby a quarantine process has been introduced to
members of that person while they are made to stay in their house, Dr. Jasingha said.
members of that person while they are made to stay in their house, Dr. Jasingha said.
This patient has been travelling from location to location in Sri Lanka with a group of Italian nationals and thus engaged in tour guiding operations in which instance this person may have contacted the corona virus through an Italian who joined the tour, Dr. Jasingha suspected. Having toured the island during the past few days, this crowd of Italians left the island and the local tour guide in question was admitted to IDH last 9th because of a sickness associated with fever.
Subsequently, after medical tests conducted, it was confirmed that he had contacted corona virus. The director general of health finally said that information is being collected about places the Italian group toured in his company and the people with whom they came in contact during that process.