President Mr. Gotabhaya decides to make lightning raids to state institutions to check their efficiency .. without any previous notification!
Political news sources say that the president has visited several state institutions including surveyors' department during the past few days. He has yesterday been to Narahenpita economic centre in connection with the subject dealing with rice price control.
A few days before this while passing Kalubowila Hospital he has noted people coming there to visit patients suffering from severe heat of the sun ... moving around the gate there. He has subsequently
informed Dehiwala - Galkissa municipal council member Mr. Dhanasiri Amaratunga through phone to implement action within three days without putting people visiting the hospital into inconvenience and to see that seats are seats are made available to them i order to prevent them being scorched under the sun. After Mr. Amaratunga took action to make minister of health, Mrs. Pavithra Wanniaarachchi and in turn officers of the ministry, measures have been taken to fix iron benches and a roof too there on a temporary basis.
informed Dehiwala - Galkissa municipal council member Mr. Dhanasiri Amaratunga through phone to implement action within three days without putting people visiting the hospital into inconvenience and to see that seats are seats are made available to them i order to prevent them being scorched under the sun. After Mr. Amaratunga took action to make minister of health, Mrs. Pavithra Wanniaarachchi and in turn officers of the ministry, measures have been taken to fix iron benches and a roof too there on a temporary basis.