Jayathma Wickremanayake of Sri Lanka who went into the list of future leaders named by 'Time' magazine
"Challenges I faced in my life I considered as opportunities I got. Determination and dedication I see as the path to victory. Without making these opportunities and positions my ornaments, my objective is to make all those my weapons to serve others in the world".
Of the list containing names of hundred individuals who could make the greatest influence in
businesses globally, politically, sports, hobbies, health and field of science in future as made public by America's TIME magazine, the name of Mrs. Jayathma Wickramanayake the young lady managed to be included in that list and the aforegoing are her words.
businesses globally, politically, sports, hobbies, health and field of science in future as made public by America's TIME magazine, the name of Mrs. Jayathma Wickramanayake the young lady managed to be included in that list and the aforegoing are her words.
Mrs. Jayathma Wickramanayake works as the representative of youth affairs of the general secretary of United Nations and has combined with youth all over the world and has been selected to this list by being appreciated in preparing policies meant for steadfast development relating to youth affairs 2003. Apart from Mrs. Jayathma Wickramanayaka, young males and females in the field of arts, young attorneys at law, leaders and those in the field as entrepreneurs have been included in this list.
Jayathma who was born in Haburugala, Benthota in 1990 has had her education first at Aluthgama Sanghamiththa Balika Vidyalaya and later at Colombo Visakha Vidyalaya and finally has entered University of Colombo and secured her degree in the field of Science. Mrs. Jayathma Wickramanayake's father has been attached to Sri Lanka Ports Authority and has retired and is Mr. Piyal Mahanama Wickramanayake while her mother is a teaching instructor in Elpitiya education zone. Mrs. Jayathma is the eldest in the family and has two sisters. Jayathma who is in her 29th year has represented a large number of youth development programmes of United Nations from the time she was 21 years. She is an officer of the Sri Lankan administrative service since 2016. She was appointed by general secretary of United Nations, Anthonio Guaterez in the year 2017 as his representative of youth affairs. On that occasion of announcing world youth skills day as well as appreciating the contribution offered by Mrs. Jayathma Wickramanayake towards several programmes of a high scale of United Nations was highlighted highlighted and it was also announced thereby that she has carried out a prominent duty on a national level on behalf of youth development.
Mrs. Jayathma Wickramanayake has posted a comment Sinhala in her facebook account about she being selected among distinguished individuals named by TIME magazine in the following manner: "Was born in Benthota Haburugala and having passed the year 5 scholarship, went to Visakha and then had my education in Colombo university. I came first in the 2015 administration service examination in Sri Lanka and having become the only person who came first in the 2016 administration service examination in the English medium and today function as a delegate of United Nations and was able to be listed among 100 leaders in future in magazines such as TIME which make predictions because of free education. I bless everybody in Sri Lanka for having given me the education by paying taxes".
Jayathma who is presently engaged in official duties in Kenya is married to Mr. Dayan Dias, a lieutenant in the navy and both of them are permanent residents of New York city in America and are living there. She finally says: "Never get backward saying you are a girl. Parents don't think that what males can do cannot be done by girls. If one is brought up with social values from small days ... if we believe in ourselves ... if we get proper guidance from our parents ... there's nothing that a girl cannot achieve in the world, I believe. If before your daughter was prevented from trying to achieve challenges ... do not do so anymore .. I ask from parents".
The description published by world-renown TIME magazine:
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