"As told ... I didn't contest again" -- president Maithripala's final speech
President Maithripala Sirisena delivering his last address to the nation informed the general public that like he mentioned on the occasion when assuming his position as president that he would not be appearing once again to contest and that he extended the freedom to the media to the maximum; but that some people enjoyed it even becoming a challenge to him.
The president who announced that he nabbed the fraudsters and that the great scandal of the central
bank is presently in its last stages and is being enquired into successfully and in the process thanked those who raised him to power.The full text of president Maithripala Sirisena and video, from below
"Over sixty two lakhs voted me to power at the presidential election on January 8th, 2015. I would express my thanks of respect to all of them even today. In the same way, a few days after I was victorious and then took my oaths in the position of president on 9th January, I made a special address to the nation in the presence of the historic temple of the tooth in Kandy. Sometimes you may recall it. I addressed the nation and said that I will not be appearing for the presidential contest once more. Just as I mentioned so, I handed over my unlimited executive powers to parliament as an executive president through the 19th amendment of the constitution. I gave over those powers to the ministers, independent commissions and the judiciary.
The masses elected me for a period of 6 years. Though the public elected me for a period of 6 years, one year was reduced from it and it was changed to an official term of 5 years. In most cases, every leader who came into power in our country strengthened his power sometimes as a matter of habit or as a tradition by employing the constitution. But I am happy to say that I discarded that unlimited executive powers and changed the period of tenure from 6 to 5 and even went on to reduce an year from the official period granted by the people.
I was able to exercise total democracy throughout the country during my official tenure. I believe that I strengthened the freedom, media of the press and democracy which never was. But its result was that the very same unlimited freedom of the media and the democracy which was strengthened was made to boomerang on me and as a consequence serious insults and false broadcasts were launched accompanied with character assassination across social media websites. I was not deterred by any of those because that was my principle.
In the same way I was able to do something which all leaders of the nation from 1947 till 2015 were unable to do according to a promise I gave the masses. That is, no human case of homicide, political revenge, physical hurt or damage and damage to somebody's property ... none of those things happened during my tenure of service. To say in another way ... a gunshot was not fired at any citizen as a result of a government political revenge or to compensate for hatred.
I was able to achieve most things stated by me in the promises made to the public and I believe that I carried out much on behalf of the masses. In the same way it is not a secret that there were conflicts of a serious nature within the government such as I and the government party because of political clashes, principles which were not personal. Therefore we carried out a large share of duties close upon a period of 5 years as a government. In the same way we failed to execute an essential part of the duties for the nation and the public and that was because of the problematic situation in government.
You know specially about the unlimited powers of the executive president. I mentioned that I removed those unlimited powers in executive presidency. Just as much as I removed those unlimited powers, there are those who exploited instances of democratic freedom and peaceful situation. I do not think that I should take my time about bring to memory about the past regarding those.
You may recall that when I came into power ... the strong impact of foreign elements on me and my mother land, dependence, threats. I recall that past to recall and compare the situation in which the country was and what the country is today. I trust that those aggressive influences, dependence and sometimes threats which were international allegations about violation of human rights were discarded ninety nine percent during my tenure. Inviting international courts to Sri Lanka was a subject that was discussed. In the same way, there was a challenge over the sovereignty of the country. But we are free from all that. We have two main challenges for the morrow. That is poverty, recovering from poverty; in the same way by developing peace and reconciliation among all communities such as the Sinhalese, Tamils, Muslims, Malays and Burghers and creating a background of brotherhood and mutual trust within an extensive coverage of amicability of peace for people of this country to live as one family.
I took a massive effort in this direction. There are satisfactory results in it. But it is necessary to dispel fear, suspicion, doubt; particularly in respect of language ...totally. You are aware that I took several very strong political decisions against fraud and irregularity. I appointed a presidential commission which has judiciary authority to inquire into state frauds and corruption in my own administration and you know I am the only leader who appointed such a commission. It had never taken place before.
At the same time, when talking about fraud and corruption, you might remember the central bank swindle ... the biggest financial robbery in a state institution in this country. I appointed a presidential commission to delve into it ... carried out investigations. Filed action against the accused. Those investigations are still underway, successfully. Not only that, according to recommendations of presidential commission, it was recommended that a particular audit be carried out within the central bank. That cannot be expedited by our local audit firms. As a result two years before this tenders were called from international institutes and after the said audit was conducted, by now 5 reports have been received. There is information in it where you would be surprised. I believe that the new government coming into power would present those 5 reports to parliament and expose them to the public.
Tomorrow a new president would be appointed to the country. According to what I think ... what is the first challenge he would face after his appointment. He of course has the challenge of before him to appoint a cabinet free of corruption from among the 225 MPs in parliament.This is the first instance when a presidential election has been held and a national election was held under an impartial state leader of this country under an impartial president after 1947. From the day nominations were handed over, upto-date I have on a political basis without any party discrimination been providing total support to duties of the tri-forces, the national election commission impartially and neutrally and thus provided an opportunity to conduct a very peaceful election within the country. I believe that it was possible to hold a peaceful election like this because I am independent.
Prior to this, every prime minister and every president who was the state leader took leadership of some political party in that election and directed that election campaign. Therefore, exercising state power sometimes extended unlimitedly. You know about that history. I will not take time to speak about it. Therefore, within these circumstances ... during my election time ... what is the extent of the difference of 2015 and today 16th November, 2019. The election at that time and today is a classic example of measurement of the extent of the advancement of Sri Lankan society.
Whatever it is, you and I know that the new president has a bulk of responsibilities on his shoulders. A responsibility is to be borne by the new president on the welfare of the people of Sri Lanka; the sustainable development; moving the democracy which I strengthened even further; the unlimited media freedom which I bestowed and strengthening even more the freedom of the media.
Among that what was put into action in the country during my leadership as special projects necessary for this era, controlling the narcotics business which is topical, the local food production programme, welfare activities for those who were victims to minimise kidney patients, the 'shramashakthi janatha' campaign and the 'daruwan surakimu' national procedure take pride of place among them. I believe that and request that those programmes be implemented even with more vigour by the new government under the new president. I wish for all that. When considering democracy as well as development, law and order sovereignty of the country,the dedication of even sacrificing life in the case of army, navy, air force, the police and the civil security department and executing their responsibilities thinking of their motherland even going beyond someone who draws a salary from the government deserves a big thank you and I bestow my special thanks to the tri-forces, the police and civil security department as well as the entire state-service on this occasion.
When reminiscing the great history and historical background of our land which runs into thousands of years back, you know of the history about English rulers and others who got hold of our country. Weera Keppetipola and other heroes who gave leadership to the 1818 rebellion branded English rulers as traitors and even released gazette notifications to that effect. But I am happy to say that during my tenure of service I was able to dismiss distinguished heroes of that 1818 struggle for freedom as traitors of the land and name them as patriots and those dedicated to the land and thus release a gazette announcement for all of them who were involved in that noble duty towards the country and to have been able to honour them and also add them to history.
Like my beloved masses I should at this moment say something about the people of Polonnaruwa. It was my beloved people in Polonnaruwa who decided on my entire journey and who laid the first foundation in that respect and who were the great pillars of my success ... it was from there that I was handed over to the country. Because of that I was subjected to criticism that I was working too much for the Polonnaruwa people ... but I would extend my thanks honourably to my beloved folk in Polonnaruwa for having pushed me to state leadership with blessings of the people of this whole country from the point of my initial political foundation.
Whatever challenges came my way, I worked towards building up a socio-democratic framework during my tenure of rule. The background for the major conflicts within the government was the extreme new liberalism which was not compatible to this country and the socio-democracy which I respect and thoughts focused on the country. I believe that what is important is a socio-democratic rulership composed of a local pattern of thinking.
I was able to extend a commendable service to people in the north-east who incidentally suffered most in the civil war as well as the entire nation during my period of service in the instance of matters of special significance such as national unity and reconciliation about which you and I talk of and discuss and subject to dialogue, constantly.It was possible to carry out a number of activities such as releasing their lands and property, social welfare and development of physical resources. I would not say that I did everything. But I was successful in dispelling sorrows of a people of north-east who suffered from the war. I was able to install the presidential special task force for development purposes in north-east and I was thus able to render an eminent service on behalf of them. I am extremely happy about it.
As a president ... some decisions I have taken are astounding. Some said that though I pulled the sword out, I did not use it. I did use the sword. I dismissed my premier. Appointed another prime minister. I released 5 gazette notifications which were subjected to discussion, dialogue and criticism in the country. Took serious decisions on narcotics control to save the country from serious things which affected the country. Only 11 months passed since the police department was brought under my charge. How many issues were stacked at police department? I revised rules and regulations essential for police department. Launched new rules and as it is absolutely important in preserving law and order in this country and for the police, management, lack of resources, thus making a big revolution within those 11 months. At the same time, it was important in the face of challenging factors such as law, order, democracy, sovereignty of the country etcetera to be taken into consideration.
Collectivity among the Sinhalese, Tamils, Muslims, Malays and Burghers are very important. In order to counter challenges aimed on an international level, unity and reconciliation among communities is very important. The most tragical incident which I encountered during my tenure and which touched both you and me was the brutal Easter attack launched by the terrorists on 21st April. I at this moment recall memories with respect of the Sri Lankans and foreigners who died in the attack. That incident certainly was something that could have been averted. I would not talk further about it.
If someone was to ask me specially "were you satisfied during your tenure of service .. or happy"; no sooner that question is posed to me I would without a delay of even a second would respond instantly say, "I am satisfied with my period of tenure .. am happy and contented" and that is because I gave much to the country and to the people. Much of what I gave ... the pocket does not feel, the stomach does not feel .. neither does the body. That was because I was able to create a democracy sans corruption based on state leadership; to develop a spiritual society and to fullfil responsibilities and duties. I also believe that as a major factor, being able to make the sacred Tripitakaya a national heritage during my tenure which indeed was a big historical victory and duty performed by me both in this country as well as for Buddhists living outside this country.
I do not hope to speak longer than this. I thank my beloved wife Jayanthi who was behind me as my shadow to make my political career a success and my children ... I offer my thanks to all of them. In instances when I embarked on serious political decisions .. if I am to recall ... November 21st, 2014 till today, before that and even today I recall them to memory.
I who served you for close upon a period of 5 years in the position of president ... take leave of you. That a new president would be elected by you is something that both you and I know. I convey my blessings and good wishes to the new president elect on behalf of the morrow, the country and on behalf of the children to be born tomorrow and in the same way I give my blessings and offer my greetings for him that he would be able to carry out his duties even more determination, courageously and honestly.
I am aspiring to fullfil all dedication expected of me with continuous identity on behalf of my noble motherland and my beloved public tomorrow too. Justice should be the strength. Social justice should be carried out clearly. Democracy should be strengthened within the country. Freedom of the press, human rights, fundamental rights of the people ... all that should be strengthened. I will be uniting with you tomorrow too to develop as an esteemed, outstanding state in the world to take forward you and my beloved motherland with a democratic, prosperous economy. May the blessings and guidance of the triple gem be with you all!