2019 -- Presidential Election Results - Update
3.30 last results: Gotabhaya trounces by 14 lakhs
Final results:
Sajith Premadasa, 5564239 (41.98%)
Anura Kumara Dissanayaka, 418553 (3.15%)
Mahesh Senanayaka, 49655
H.M.L. Hizbullah, 38814
Ariyavansha Dissanayaka, 34537
Ajantha Perera, 27572
Rohan Pallewattha, 25177
Sivajilangam, 12256
Battaramulle Seelarathna, 11879
S.P. Liyanage, 6447
Voted: 13387951 (83.72%)
Valid votes: 13252499
Rejected votes: 135452
At 2.30; Gotabhaya ahead by 14 lakhs
2.30 pm
Results of presidential election so far released is as follows:
Gotabhaya is 1,416,532 ahead of Sajith.
Gotabhaya Rajapaksa - 6,883, 620 votes (52.51%)
Sajith Premadasa - 5,467,088 (41.70%)
Anura Kumara Dissanayaka - 416,273 (3.18%)
At 12.30 Gotabhaya ahead by 10 lakhs
12.30 pm
While results of 165 seats of 205 have been broadcast, results of 40 seats are expected to be broadcast.
According to present results, Gotabhaya Rajapaksa has gone ahead in an undefeatable manner.
Gotabhaya is 1035315 ahead of Sajith.
Gotabhaya Rajapaksa - 5,559923 votes (51.92%)
Sajith Premadasa - 4,524608 votes (42.25%)
Anura Kumara Dissanayaka - 333,0033 (3.1%)
By 10.30 in the morning, Gotabhaya is 3 lakhs ahead of Sajith.
10.30 am
While results of 14 seats of 205 have been broadcast by now, results of 101 seats are to be released.
According to present results, Gotabhaya Rajapaksa has once again come to the forefront. Gotabhaya is 304533 ahead of Sajith; 2983754 (49.48%).
2679221 (44.43%)
184421 (3.06%)
By 8.30 in the morning, Sajith ahead by 31692 votes.
8.30 am
As Sajith has been able to win all seats in the North, Sajith Premadasa has been successful in coming to the forefront in voting results. Sajith thus is ahead of Gotabhaya by 31692 votes.
Present situation:- Sajith Premadasa - 1,089,724 votes; Gotabhaya Rajapaksa - 1.058.032 votes; Anura Kumara Dissanayaka - 74,646 votes
By 6.30 in the morning, Sajith is ahead by 47016 votes
6.30 am
Results of presidential elections:- In postal votes, Gotabhaya Rajapaksa is in front and as having been victorious in the Northern province by a majority of votes, Sajith Premadasa has come to the front by 6.30 in the morning.
According to voting results released by now, Gotabhaya has acquired 532806; Sajith 579822 votes. Sajith therefore is 47016 votes ahead. By 4 in the morning Gota is ahead by 63897 postal votes.
4 am
While official results of presidential election held on 16 November are being released, postal votes of 10 districts have been released. The 10 districts are: Nuwara Eliya, Colombo, Matale, Galle, Gampaha, Ratnapura and Moneragala and Gotabhaya Rajapaksa has won postal votes of 7 districts. Postal votes of 3 districts -- Jaffna, Wanni and Trincomalee have been won by Sajith Premadasa.
By now when taking into account the total, Gotabhaya has acquired 183261 votes, Sajith 119364 votes, Anura Kumara 15906 and Mahesh Senanayaka 2301. Thus Gotabhaya is ahead of Sajith by about 63897 votes.