Young man saves toddler with a fatal jump of 30 feet!

Young man saves toddler with a fatal jump of 30 feet!

Young man saves toddler with a fatal jump of 30 feet!

People who take the lead to save another's life, sacrificing his own life are actually few and far in between. A story of such a rare man was reported recently. That story about an unknown person who rescued a two year old toddler from the pangs of death where the toddler was battling with death inside the bottom of a deep well is reported from Pelawatta area placed between the two main cities of Matugama - Pitigala. 

That incident which is reported from Grakaduwa area unfolds in the following manner: The day was
a Sunday. The time was somewhere between 3 and 4 in the evening. Two toddlers are to be seen jumping and frolicking about, close to a particular house in Gorakaduwa, Pelawatta. The two small ones who at one moment are seen nonsensical figures on soil and dust would at another time run behind butterflies. That of course is the nature of small tots. Babyish age is beyond limits ... devoid of responsibilities involved with risks. 

It takes only a few seconds for the two toddlers frolicking in the homeyard to escape the attention of the householders. The small ones then approach a well near the house. The said well was well constructed with a parapet of several feet with however a depth of about 30 feet. Another construction is to be seen in the shape of a square adjoining the well. It had been erected for protection of a motor-pump fixed close to the well. The toddlers who get on top of it peeps into the well to inquire what is inside it. One of the toddlers who looses his footing then falls into the bottom of the well. A woman suddenly hears some noise from the direction of the said well near the house becomes alert and then what meets her eyes is a scene of a small daughter living in a nearby house fallen inside this well. 

With this horrendous scene etched in her mind what she could only do was shriek at the top of her voice calling for help. Several people who get close to the well hearing her wailing could only see a toddler engaged in a battle between life and death inside this well with a water level of over 15 feet. The main obstacle of resueing the life of the toddler was that though her life had to be saved somehow or other, they being unable to take an immediate procedure in that matter. The obvious reason was that some form of support was necessary to get down to this well of 30 feet and the time that would be consumed in that connection will of course be more than enough to see the helpless life of the toddler ebbing away forever. 

In the meantime, a young man is observed coming on a push-cycle along Pelawatta - Pitigala main road close to where the earlier referred to house is. This person who lives in Veddagala in Kalawana, Ratnapura happens to come to Pelawatta area that particular day for some business matter. This youth who happens to be coming upto Kalawana on his push-cycle after completing his job notices a certain group of people in a confused manner near a well. 

This young man who has not come to Pelawatta area in before that, slows down and looks into what is happening near the well. It could be that news about the unfortunate incident of what is happening with wails of those assembled nearby may have been conveyed to this youth. No sooner the young man who promptly stops his push-cycle then closes upon the well, what he sees is a cute little toddler who surfaces from the water just disappear. The sudden appearance of an individual who appears to have been a god in disguise was something that those who congregated near the well had never anticipated. 

This young man who then keeps aside the jacket he was wearing, his purse and mobile phone makes a leap into the well without being spurred on by anybody without caring a twopence about his own life. This unknown youth engaged in this heroic effort carries the toddler who was about to go into hiding in the bottom of the well and was getting drowned for the second time just as much as if it was a blossom plucked with great care ... thus to the astonishment of onlookers near the well. 

The story of the hero however does not end there. He of course have had to use strenuous effort to to bring the drowning toddler out of the well after throwing his life to the winds. Ten or fifteen minutes would have elapsed to fetch ropes etcetera to be brought near the well. The surface level of the water was approximately 15 feet or so and it nevertheless was an easy task at all for the youth to scale that path and to keep the sweet toddler above water for that long a time was indeed an arduous attempt. It was also a risky situation where her life too was concerned. 

It of course is a rare phenomenon to see or hear of heroes coming to light in a social environment where one is compelled to think only of oneself. It then is imperative to keep more and more records of such heroes because they are exemplary characters in the face of society. Therefore Divaina was able to get in touch with the anonymous hero via the phone. 

He incidentally was twenty nine year old Gaamini Chaminda living in Veddagala Road, Damwala, Kalawana. This is what Gamini Chaminda said expressing his ideas with reference to the incident. The only thing that he could do at that moment was to rescue the toddler drowning and that he had no option other than making a jump into the deep waters of the well throwing risk of life into the winds. Gamini Chaminda who mentioned that he had saved several lives previously and further stated that he once again had the opportunity of becoming a participant of a meritorious noble act by resuing another life. 

Gamini Chaminda this unknown man who carries out a staggering act among an unknown crowd in an unknown area subsequently after the incident had visited the hospital where the toddler was admitted for treatment and after looking into her condition had only then set off home. Many of those who were eye-witnesses exclaimed that even god too lives among mortals and that it is confirmed across the cited incident.   
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